Category: Research News

  • New Research Reveals Core Trait Impulsivity, Impulse Heterogeneity and Influencing Factors Across Addiction Disorders

    New Research Reveals Core Trait Impulsivity, Impulse Heterogeneity and Influencing Factors Across Addiction Disorders

    Professor Min Zhao and TCCI-affiliated investigator Tifei Yuan from Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University, recently co-authored a paper titled “The Structure and Individual Patterns of Trait Impulsivity Across Addiction Disorders: a Network Analysis,” published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. The study engaged 1,687 subjects with neuroactive substance and heroin […]

  • Professor Ying Mao from Huashan Hospital Is First to Validate that Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion Can Independently Cause Changes in Alzheimer’s Biomarkers in Moyamoya Disease

    Professor Ying Mao from Huashan Hospital Is First to Validate that Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion Can Independently Cause Changes in Alzheimer’s Biomarkers in Moyamoya Disease

    Recently, Professor Ying Mao, President of Fudan University-affiliated Huashan Hospital and Director of TCCI Translational Center, recently published a research paper titled “Brain perfusion, cognition, and plasma Alzheimer’s biomarkers in moyamoya disease” in collaboration with his research team in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association (IF:16.655/Q1), a top international journal on neurology. […]

  • First Session of Plato’s Spiritual Academy: Reflections on Spiritual Phenomena from Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives

    First Session of Plato’s Spiritual Academy: Reflections on Spiritual Phenomena from Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives

    On February 19, 2023, the first session of the Plato’s Spiritual Academy was organized by the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI), the Shanghai Mental Health Centre, and the Shanghai Library under the theme of “Reflections on Spiritual Phenomena from Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives.” Hundreds of participants attended the event at the East Branch of […]

  • A GPS for Smart Pills

    A GPS for Smart Pills

    The idea of journeying inside the human body to solve medical problems has been around at least since a hokey sci-fi film popularized the concept in the 1960s, but this approach to medicine has never become real because shrinking rays, sadly, do not exist. However, researchers have developed proxies for human doctors that are small […]

  • A Theory of Rage

    A Theory of Rage

    From petty anger to the devastating violence we see in the news, acts of aggression can be difficult to comprehend. Research has yielded puzzling paradoxes about how rage works in the brain. But a new study from Caltech, pioneering a machine-learning research technique in the hypothalamus, reveals unexpected answers on the nature of aggression.   […]

  • Spray-on smart skin uses AI to rapidly understand hand tasks

    Spray-on smart skin uses AI to rapidly understand hand tasks

    A novel, electrically active smart skin can rapidly decipher typing, sign language, even the shape of a familiar object from the movements of a human hand even with limited data.   Image: Spray-on sensory system which consists of printed, bio-compatible nanomesh directly connected with wireless Bluetooth module and further trained through meta-learning Credit: Kyun Kyu […]

  • Toward a fully implantable ecosystem for adaptive neuromodulation in humans

    Toward a fully implantable ecosystem for adaptive neuromodulation in humans

    Recently, Gerwin Schalk, Director of the Chen Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology which is affiliated with the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI), was the lead author on an article which describes initial work done towards creating an ecosystem for adaptive neuromodulation in humans. The paper, entitled “Toward a fully implantable ecosystem for adaptive neuromodulation […]

  • Gut Microbes Influence Binge-Eating of Sweet Treats in Mice

    Gut Microbes Influence Binge-Eating of Sweet Treats in Mice

    We have all been there. You just meant to have a single Oreo as a snack, but then you find yourself going back for another, and another, and before you know it, you have finished off the entire package even though you were not all that hungry to begin with.   But before you start […]

  • Brain-Machine Interface Device Predicts Internal Speech

    Brain-Machine Interface Device Predicts Internal Speech

    New Caltech research is showing how devices implanted into people’s brains, called brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), could one day help patients who have lost their ability to speak. In a new study presented at the 2022 Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, researchers demonstrated that they could use a BMI to accurately predict which words […]

  • TCCI Investigator Identifies Important Switch for REM Sleep

    TCCI Investigator Identifies Important Switch for REM Sleep

    Recently, Professor Huang Zhili, Director of the Department of Pharmacology at Fudan University and investigator at the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI) and his team, published a new study in the journal Cell Discovery, reporting a new nucleus that can terminate REM sleep and its neural circuit mechanism.   Sleep accounts for one third […]