eWEAR: A Window into Maternal Health Through Hair Cortisol
New Insights into the Neuroscience Behind Conscious Awareness of Choice
When you absentmindedly reach out to pick up your cup of coffee and take a sip, what happens in your brain? Many studies have shown that brain activity begins to ramp up even before you are aware of your choice to move. But this poses a conundrum: Do we have free will to make our […]
Finding brain patterns underlying depression: linking functional neuroimaging tosymptom subtypes
Summary Researchers at Stanford University, led by Dr. Leanne Williams, are developing a framework that links brain circuit activity, observed via fMRI scans, to specific depression and anxiety symptoms. Traditional psychiatric labels fail to reflect the biological underpinnings of mental health conditions, but the study focuses on neural circuit dysfunctions, such as the default mode […]
eWEAR: Finding brain patterns underlying depression: linking functional neuroimaging to symptom subtypes
Soft-Bioelectronics to Detect Neuromotor Disorders in Infants
Summary Researchers are exploring the use of soft, flexible, wireless bioelectronics to detect neuromotor disorders in infants, addressing the challenges of current bulky and wired systems. Traditional assessments, like Prechtel’s tool, predict cerebral palsy in infants by analyzing general movements (GMs), but these methods rely heavily on video monitoring and expert evaluation. A new approach, […]
eWEAR: Soft-Bioelectronics to Detect Neuromotor Disorders in Infants
Early Liver Cancer Diagnosis Using Magnetoresistive Biosensors
Summary Researchers at Stanford University have developed an innovative biosensor using the giant magnetoresistive (GMR) effect to enable early, sensitive, and automated detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer. The biosensor leverages a magnetic-based immunoassay to detect biomarkers like alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in real time. It offers […]
eWEAR: Early Liver Cancer Diagnosis Using Magnetoresistive Biosensors
Smart Contact Lens Monitors Blood Sugar
Summary Researchers at Stanford University and POSTECH have developed a smart contact lens that monitors blood sugar levels through a chemical reaction involving glucose in tears. The lens uses a combination of gold and platinum nanoparticles embedded in a polymer hydrogel to catalyze this reaction, producing electricity proportional to glucose levels. This technology offers continuous, […]
eWEAR: Smart Contact Lens Monitors Blood Sugar