Category: Brain Development

  • Reductive stress in neuroblastoma cells aggregates protein and impairs neurogenesis

    Cells require a balance among oxidation-reduction reactions, or redox homeostasis. Loss of that balance to create oxidative stress is often associated with neurodegeneration. Less is known about how loss of that balance at the other end of the spectrum — reductive stress, or RS — may affect neurons. Now Rajasekaran Namakkal-Soorappan, Ph.D., associate professor in […]

  • Baby’s first breath triggers life-saving changes in the brain

    A team of researchers have discovered a signaling system within the brainstem that activates almost immediately at birth to support early breathing. That first gasp that every parent cherishes appears to trigger this support system. “Birth is traumatic for the newborn, as the baby has to independently take control over various important body functions, including […]

  • What social distancing does to a brain

    Have you recently wondered how social-distancing and self-isolation may be affecting your brain? An international research team led by Erin Schuman from the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research discovered a brain molecule that functions as a “thermometer” for the presence of others in an animal’s environment. Zebrafish “feel” the presence of others via mechanosensation […]

  • Scientists discover new mechanism controlling brain size

    International research headed by Danish Scientists has taken an important step forward in understanding the complex mechanisms that control development of the so-called cerebral cortex, which is the part of the brain that play a key role in attention, perception, awareness, thought, memory, language, and consciousness. The results have just been published in the internationally […]

  • Could Reducing Painful Procedures Help Premature Infants’ Brains?

    Premature infants born earlier than 28 weeks gestation who experience fewer needle pokes while receiving life-saving care in the neonatal intensive care unit may have better growth of a part of the brain called the thalamus. The new study is published in the October 21, 2020, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the […]

  • Scientists Take Major Step Toward Angelman Syndrome Gene Therapy

    Babies born with a faulty maternal copy of the UBE3A gene will develop Angelman syndrome, a severe neurodevelopmental disorder with no cure and limited treatments. Now, for the first time, scientists at the UNC School of Medicine show that gene editing and gene therapy techniques can be used to restore UBE3A in human neuron cultures […]

  • Cord blood DNA can hold clues for early ASD diagnosis and intervention

    A new study led by UC Davis MIND Institute researchers found a distinct DNA methylation signature in the cord blood of newborns who were eventually diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This signature mark spanned DNA regions and genes linked to early fetal neurodevelopment. The findings may hold clues for early diagnosis and intervention. “We […]

  • New model of human brain ‘conversations’ could inform research on brain disease, cognition

    A team of Indiana University neuroscientists has built a new model of human brain networks that sheds light on how the brain functions. The model offers a new tool for exploring individual differences in brain networks, which is critical to classifications of brain disorders and disease, as well as for understanding human behavior and cognitive […]

  • Reelin-Nrp1 Interaction Regulates Neocortical Dendrite Development

    The mammalian neocortex has an orderly and beautiful six-layer structure. Neurons in each layer develop the dendrites and form a normal network. Recently, it has been reported that dendritic abnormalities are found in patients with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. Therefore, understanding the mechanism by which dendrites are normally formed is important for […]

  • Traveling brain waves help detect hard-to-see objects

    Now, a team of Salk Institute scientists led by Professor John Reynolds has uncovered details of the neural mechanisms underlying the perception of objects. They found that patterns of neural signals, called traveling brain waves, exist in the visual system of the awake brain and are organized to allow the brain to perceive objects that […]