Unlocking philanthropy with Chrissy Luo and Tianqiao Chen
A KPMG philanthropy case study: Collaboration and innovation to drive medical research This profile is a part of KPMG’s “Philanthropists in Action” case study series, which looks at emerging trends in the philanthropy landscape, as the Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) agenda and a desire to create social impact climb the priority list of Family […]
A Beetle Gland Illustrates How New Organs Evolve
Organs—like the heart, brain, and kidneys—are complex structures made up of a combination of different cells that work cooperatively to perform specific functions. For example, around 70 distinct types of cells work together in the human eye to enable our visual perception. How do different types of cells evolve to cooperate like this? An […]
Challenging authority:NeuroD1 cannot induce microglia-to-neuron conversion
The central nervous system (CNS) is mainly composed of neurons and glial cells. Neurons perform the function of transmitting and integrating neural signals, while glial cells play an important role in support and nutrition. Unlike peripheral tissues and organs, neurons in the central nervous system of mammals can hardly be regenerated after adulthood. In neurodegenerative […]
Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech Celebrates 5th Anniversary; Launches Innovative New Program to Give Young Neuroscientists an Edge
Program equips neuroscientists with Artificial Intelligence and Data Science skills to help them interpret the vast amounts of data generated in the lab. Pasadena, Dec 6, 2021. Celebrating its five-year anniversary, the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech today announced the creation of the Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI). […]
How to Read a Jellyfish’s Mind
The human brain has 100 billion neurons, making 100 trillion connections. Understanding the precise circuits of brain cells that orchestrate all of our day-to-day behaviors—such as moving our limbs, responding to fear and other emotions, and so on—is an incredibly complex puzzle for neuroscientists. But now, fundamental questions about the neuroscience of behavior may be […]
Caltech Researchers Team Up to Fight Parkinson’s Disease
A team of Caltech TCCI®-affiliated researchers including Viviana Gradinaru, professor of neuroscience and biological engineering and director of the Center for Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Sarkis Mazmanian, Luis B. and Nelly Soux Professor of Microbiology and David Van Valen, assistant professor of biology and biological engineering and Heritage Medical Research Institute Investigator, among others, has […]
Identifying the association between physical activity and depression among community-dwelling older adults
Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI®) investigator Professor Huang Yanyan recently co-authored an article published in BMC Geriatrics, an international journal dedicated to geriatrics. Their study, supported by TCCI®, revealed a correlation between the amount and patterns of physical activity and depression among the elderly community in Shanghai. This study aimed to identify the […]
David Van Valen Named a Moore Inventor Fellow
David Van Valen, assistant professor of biology and biological engineering and affiliated faculty member of the Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech, has been named a 2021 Moore Inventor Fellow. He is one of five fellows named this year by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Each fellow receives $825,000 to “further the development […]
Mapping Millions of Cells in the Mouse Brain
Building a map of the complex human brain and its approximately 100 billion individual neurons is no easy task. As a precursor to tackling that monumental challenge, researchers have started off with something smaller and easier—the mouse brain—in order to understand different cell types and how they are connected, and also to perfect the technological […]