what is the internal reward mechanism an animal use to drive decision making during free exploration and social interaction?
This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!
Can we eventually develop noninvasive brain-computer interface to have the mind control?
This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!
To what extent would animal research help to understand the human brain? How far are we from bridging the gap between microscopic, circuit-level neuroscience and human neuroscience studying complex cognitive processes such as knowledge and language?
This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!
Is bounded rationality a consequence of natural selection?
This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!
How neuroscience and artificial intelligence might influence each other in future research? Are there any basic laws of biological intelligence? If so, how should young scientists work toward that direction?
This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!
How can we bridge the dynamical systems (or physics) and machine learning (optimization) approaches to modeling the brain?
This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!
How is energy consumption optimized in different spatial or temporal levels of the complex nervous system?
This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!
Do psychotic individuals share similar hallucinatory and delusional content and process that are more of the nature of the disorder itself or are more experience dependent (i.e., individualized)? what and how do psychotic people think of us?
This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!
TCCI® Sponsors Neurochat 2021
TCCI® Neurochat, an online conference focused on cognitive science for young Chinese scientists around the world, took place on May 28 and, during the three-day event, 18 Chinese scientists discussed research recent achievements in the field of cognitive science with thousands of attendees. The conference was voluntarily organized by young scientists and sponsored by Tianqiao […]
Decoding the Association between Blood Pressure and Cognitive Impairment
Professor Yu Jintai, a researcher from the Neurology Department of Fudan University-affiliated Huashan Hospital and Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI®) Investigator, revealed an association between blood pressure and the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia through a large-scale, five-year cohort study in partnership with a research team led by Professor Tan Lan from the […]