TCCI® Sponsors Neurochat 2021

TCCI® Neurochat, an online conference focused on cognitive science for young Chinese scientists around the world, took place on May 28 and, during the three-day event, 18 Chinese scientists discussed research recent achievements in the field of cognitive science with thousands of attendees. The conference was voluntarily organized by young scientists and sponsored by Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI®).


According to Zhang Ruyuan, one of the organizers and an associate professor at the Psychology and Behavioral Science Academy of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, when traditional offline academic exchanges were cut off due to COVID-19 last year, he voluntarily organized this online conference with a group of Chinese scientists working in the field. Their goal was to create a platform for young Chinese scientists around the world to discuss neuroscience and psychology, to better understand the interaction between human brains and the outside world and to improve life experience. The conference last year was very popular with 22 young scientists participating in online talks and over 3000 attendees.


The conference this year will focus on neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and computational cognitive science. Professor Liu Jia, a well-known AI expert from Tsinghua University, will deliver the opening speech and 18 young scientists from China, UK, US, Germany, Australia and Singapore will participate in academic exchanges. Among them are frontline researchers from top institutions and universities in China including the Institute of Neuroscience and Institute of Psychology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University and Zhejiang University, as well as young scholars from renowned overseas institutes and universities including Oxford University, Columbia University, Carnegie Mellon University, Max-Planck-Institute, the National University of Singapore and the University of Melbourne.