Modern Neurosurgery (3rd Edition), Published under General Editorship of Academician Liangfu Zhou

Modern Neurosurgery (3rd Edition) was published by Fudan University Press under the general editorship of Liangfu Zhou, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of National Medical Center of Nerve Diseases, Director of Neurosurgery Department of Fudan University-affiliated Huashan Hospital and Vice Chairman of Translational Center of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute.


Contents of the book has been fully updated while preserving the quintessence of the previous two versions. The third edition incorporates the clinical and academic experience of the Neurosurgery Department of Huashan Hospital, profoundly expanding on recent progress in the neurosurgery field and touching on emerging topics such as how medical workers should view and apply AI technologies and participate in brain projects.