Category: Research News

  • Protein Signposts Guide Formation of Neural Connections

    Protein Signposts Guide Formation of Neural Connections

    A major goal of neuroscience is understanding how all of the brain’s neurons know how to connect to each other to achieve optimum function. Scientists often study the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster because their brains are “hardwired” (meaning nearly identical). Now, Caltech researchers have determined how part of the fly’s visual system forms, an important piece in […]

  • How Interacting with Females Increases Aggression in Male Fruit Flies

    How Interacting with Females Increases Aggression in Male Fruit Flies

    Caltech researchers have made progress toward understanding the neurological basis of the heightened aggression that male Drosophila show toward one another after recent encounters with females. Their research shows that your brain takes recent experiences into account when coordinating your responses to external stimuli.   The study was conducted in the laboratory of David Anderson, Seymour Benzer Professor of […]

  • Visualizing DNA Labels in Cells and Tissues

    Visualizing DNA Labels in Cells and Tissues

    Caltech researchers have developed an innovative way to understand how individual cells communicate with each other and grow over time. Previous techniques have used DNA sequencing to detect DNA barcodes – a process which involves breaking down tissue samples so the DNA from individual cells can be extracted and sequenced.   The new technique uses […]

  • Scientists Identify a Genetic Basis for Healthy Sleep

    Scientists Identify a Genetic Basis for Healthy Sleep

    Work done in the Caltech lab of David Prober, professor of biology and TCCI®-affiliated faculty member has identified a genetic pathway that is necessary and sufficient for proper sleep in zebrafish and appears to also regulate sleep in humans.   This pathway regulates levels of a particular neural compound that could one day be a […]

  • Scientists Use a Haunted House to Study Fear

    Scientists Use a Haunted House to Study Fear

    Researchers at Caltech are getting into the Halloween Spirit! Colin Camerer, the Robert Kirby Professor of Behavioral Economics and director of the T&C Chen Center for Social and Decision Neuroscience and his colleague Dean Mobbs, an assistant professor of cognitive neuroscience and Chen Scholar at Caltech are teaming up with a seasonal haunted house near Los Angeles […]

  • Mending Broken Hearts with Neural Crest Cells

    Mending Broken Hearts with Neural Crest Cells

    Zebrafish—striped fish a few centimeters long—have the ability to regrow up to 20 percent of their hearts after sustaining major damage. Research published in the journal eLife, done in the lab of Marianne Bronner, Albert Billings Ruddock Professor of Biology, director of the Beckman Institute and affiliated faculty member of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen […]

  • Caltech Researcher Discovers that Male and Female Mouse Brains have Different Neurons

    Caltech Researcher Discovers that Male and Female Mouse Brains have Different Neurons

    New research done in collaboration between David Anderson, PhD, Seymour Benzer Professor of Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and director of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience and a team at the Allen Institute for Brain Science recently discovered rare brain cell types that are unique to male mice and other types that […]

  • Researchers Make it Possible for Ultrasound to Reveal Gene Expression

    Researchers Make it Possible for Ultrasound to Reveal Gene Expression

    Caltech Professor Mikhail Shapiro has overcome one of the main limitations to using “reporter genes,” markers that help researchers get a sense for what cells are doing. Because light does not penetrate well through most living tissue, the commonly used green fluorescent protein cannot be used for monitoring the activity of cells deep inside an […]

  • How Memories Form and Fade

    How Memories Form and Fade

    Ever wonder why you can remember the name of your childhood best friend that you haven’t seen in years yet easily forget the name of a person you just met a moment ago?   New research done in the laboratory of TCCI®-affiliated biology professor Carlos Lois at Caltech, uses mouse models to determine that strong, […]

  • Orchestrating Development in the Fly Embryo

    Orchestrating Development in the Fly Embryo

    New research from TCCI®-affiliated faculty member, Professor Angelike Stathopoulos, at Caltech illuminates how proteins act like conductors, giving cues during the earliest stages of development in fruit flies. This work will help us better understand basic biology underlying human development.   Read more on Caltech’s website