Category: Research News

  • What is Personality?

    What is Personality?

    In a new paper, titled “Personality beyond taxonomy,” published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour, Caltech researchers from the disciplines of neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy discuss the long-standing question: What is personality? Whereas most studies measure personality in various ways, they are often ambiguous about what personality really is: Is it in the behaviors themselves […]

  • Proving a Link Between Chronic Alcohol Exposure and Impaired Inhibitory Function

    Proving a Link Between Chronic Alcohol Exposure and Impaired Inhibitory Function

    The GABAB receptor (GABABR) agonist baclofen has been used to treat alcohol and several other substance use disorders yet how exactly it works remains unclear. Professor Tifei Yuan, a Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Translational Research project lead and Principal Investigator at Shanghai Mental Health Center recently published an online paper titled, “Reduced Motor […]

  • Neural Networks Playing Video Games Teach Us About Our Own Brains

    Neural Networks Playing Video Games Teach Us About Our Own Brains

    A new study from Caltech compares brain scans of humans playing classic Atari video games to sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) networks that have been trained to play the same games. The research was led by graduate student Logan Cross, in the laboratory of TCCI®-affiliated Professor of Psychology John O’Doherty and found that the activity in […]

  • Love and Hate in the Mouse Brain

    Love and Hate in the Mouse Brain

    Mounting behavior, that awkward thrusting motion dogs sometimes do against your leg, is usually associated with sexual arousal in animals, but this is not always the case. New research by Caltech neuroscientists that explores the motivations behind mounting behavior in mice finds that sometimes there is a thin line between love and hate (or anger) […]

  • Hibernation: Translating Insights from Nature into Manned Deep Space Exploration

    Hibernation: Translating Insights from Nature into Manned Deep Space Exploration

    During a long‐duration manned spaceflight mission, such as flying to Mars and beyond, all crew members will spend a long period in an independent spacecraft with closed‐loop bioregenerative life‐support systems. Saving resources and reducing medical risks, particularly in mental health, are key technology gaps hampering human expedition into deep space. Professor Tifei Yuan, a Tianqiao […]

  • Two Caltech Faculty Receive NIH BRAIN Grants

    Two Caltech Faculty Receive NIH BRAIN Grants

    Two TCCI®-affiliated researchers at Caltech have received funding for neuroscience projects from the National Institutes of Health’s Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative.   Joe Parker, Assistant Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering, is the lead investigator on a project that aims to study the brain circuits that control behavioral interactions between animals. […]

  • Neuroscientist Viviana Gradinaru Receives Young Investigator Award

    Neuroscientist Viviana Gradinaru Receives Young Investigator Award

    The Society for Neuroscience has presented a Young Investigator Award to Viviana Gradinaru (BS ’05), professor of neuroscience and biological engineering, Heritage Medical Research Institute Investigator, and director of the Center for Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech. The award recognizes the outstanding achievements and contributions […]

  • How Stem Cells Choose their Careers

    How Stem Cells Choose their Careers

    “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question asked of many children but what about stem cells? Stem cells are cells that have not yet chosen a specialized fate, such as becoming a neuron or a white blood cell. At some point, however, each stem cell does decide what it […]

  • Researchers Find Gene to be Key Regulator of Progranulin Expression; Modifies the risk of Multiple Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Researchers Find Gene to be Key Regulator of Progranulin Expression; Modifies the risk of Multiple Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Professor Yu Jintai from Fudan University-affiliated Huashan Hospital and his research team recently published a major discovery in the journal Science Advances. In research supported by TCCI®, the team discovered that the FAM171A2 gene is a key regulator of progranulin (PGRN) expression in cerebrospinal fluid and can reduce the risk of multiple neurodegenerative diseases.   […]

  • The Effect of Ventral Globus Pallidus on Arousal and Motivational Behavior

    The Effect of Ventral Globus Pallidus on Arousal and Motivational Behavior

    TCCI® researcher and President of the Chinese Sleep Research Society, Professor Huang Zhili’s research group at Huashan Hospital recently published research focused on the effect of ventral globus pallidus on wakefulness and motivational behaviors in the journal “Molecular Psychiatry.” The paper, entitled “Ventral pallidal GABAergic neurons control wakefulness associated with motivation through the ventral tegmental […]