Category: “Matrix” and Brain-Machine Interface

  • Can we eventually develop noninvasive brain-computer interface to have the mind control?

    This question is raised by one of the TCCI Neurochat 2021 speakers. We are continuously collecting questions from young scientists all over the world. We will explore insightful answers with leading experts. Please pay attention to our website and WeChat platform (nextquestion)!

  • The machine as an extension of the body

    Combining neuroscience and robotic research has gained impressive results in the rehabilitation of paraplegic patients. A research team led by Prof. Gordon Cheng from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) was able to show that exoskeleton training not only helped patients to walk, but also stimulated their healing process. With these findings in mind, Prof. […]

  • Stanford researchers develop new tool for watching and controlling neural activity

    A new molecular probe from Stanford University could help reveal how our brains think and remember. This tool, called Fast Light and Calcium-Regulated Expression or FLiCRE (pronounced “flicker”), can be sent inside any cell to perform a variety of research tasks, including tagging, recording and controlling cellular functions. “This work gets at a central goal […]

  • Grasping an object – model describes complete movement planning in the brain

    Neuroscientists at the German Primate Center (DPZ) – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen have succeeded for the first time in developing a model that can seamlessly represent the entire planning of movement from seeing an object to grasping it. Comprehensive neural and motor data from grasping experiments with two rhesus monkeys provided decisive […]

  • One step closer to a brain prosthesis for the blind: Human Brain Project-supported innovation

    Human Brain Project research has helped lay the foundation for a brain implant that could one day give blind people their sight back. Recent discoveries at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN) show that in monkeys, newly developed high-resolution implants in the visual cortex make it possible to recognize artificially induced images. The findings were […]

  • Envision color: Activity patterns in the brain are specific to the color you see

    The geometry that describes the relationship among colors, and the neural mechanisms that support color vision, are unsettled. Here, we use multivariate analyses of measurements of brain activity obtained with magnetoencephalography to reverse-engineer a geometry of the neural representation of color space. The analyses depend upon determining similarity relationships among the spatial patterns of neural […]

  • A wearable sensor to help ALS patients communicate

    People with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) suffer from a gradual decline in their ability to control their muscles. As a result, they often lose the ability to speak, making it difficult to communicate with others. A team of MIT researchers has now designed a stretchable, skin-like device that can be attached to a patient’s face […]

  • Skoltech research makes it easier to pinpoint brain activity in EEG studies

    Skoltech researchers have proposed a fast and accurate numerical method of addressing the problem plaguing electroencephalography (EEG) studies that monitor the brain’s electrical activity — having to laboriously locate the source of EEG signal in the brain due to the low spatial resolution of this method. The new approach may help improve both medical and […]

  • First ‘Plug and Play’ Brain Prosthesis Demonstrated in Paralyzed Person

    In a significant advance, researchers working toward a brain-controlled prosthetic limb at the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences have shown that machine learning techniques helped a paralyzed individual learn to control a computer cursor using their brain activity without requiring extensive daily retraining, which has been a requirement of all past brain-computer interface (BCI) efforts.

  • Head Movements Control the Activity of Primary Visual Cortex in a Luminance-Dependent Manner

    The vestibular system broadcasts head-movement-related signals to sensory areas throughout the brain, including visual cortex. These signals are crucial for the brain’s ability to assess whether motion of the visual scene results from the animal’s head movements. However, how head movements affect visual cortical circuits remains poorly understood. Here, we discover that ambient luminance profoundly […]