Will technological innovations such as optogenetics and mind-machine interfaces help us determine if the brain is just a biochemical machine?
How would being able to edit our memories affect the way we learn?
Why do only humans have a language system which is based on logic and symbolism?
If we don’t have free will, should we change the legal definition of criminality?
How does new research into the mechanisms of decision-making affect our understanding of consciousness and free will?
Can the emerging field of neuroesthetics help us understand how we can feel moved or why we feel beautiful?
Why does unquestioning belief matter in most religions?
Some people can calm or clear their minds with meditation which helps with insomnia and other issues but what if we could actually mute or stop our thinking?
Why are so many people trapped in negative emotions and affected by mental disorders?
As our understanding of dopamine and the reward systems in the brain improve, does the meaning of life change?