Author: Nick

  • 2019 TCCI Spring Newsletter

    2019 TCCI Spring Newsletter

    We are delighted to share with you TCCI’s 2018 Annual Report which you can download by clicking on the image below. In this report, we’ve endeavored

  • TCCI Releases 2018 Annual Report

    TCCI Releases 2018 Annual Report

    We’re happy to introduce TCCI’s first Annual Report which endeavors to highlight the momentum and accomplishments enjoyed by our institutional partners, private investigators and graduate fellows in 2018. We’ve included a summary of the exciting research coming out of TCCI at Caltech, highlighted awards won by TCCI-affiliated scientists around the world and tried to give […]

  • TCCI® joins the International Brain Initiative

    TCCI® joins the International Brain Initiative

    We recently joined the International Brain Initiative (IBI), a collaborative of some of the world’s most significant brain research projects. The IBI’s vision of catalyzing and advancing ethical neuroscience through collaboration and knowledge-sharing aligns well with our own and we’re very happy to support the IBI’s upcoming coordinating body meeting, March 19-20, in Shanghai, China.   Read […]

  • This is a Neuron on Nicotine

    This is a Neuron on Nicotine

    A team of scientists has developed a protein sensor that glows in the presence of nicotine, allowing the researchers to observe nicotine’s movements in cells and reveal more about the nature of nicotine addiction. The work was led by Henry Lester, professor of biology at Caltech and an affiliated faculty member of the Tianqiao and Chrissy […]

  • Vilcek Foundation Prize Awarded to Mikhail Shapiro

    Vilcek Foundation Prize Awarded to Mikhail Shapiro

    Professor of Chemical Engineering Mikhail Shapiro has been named one of the 2019 recipients of the Vilcek Foundation Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science, a $50,000 award recognizing exceptional early to mid-career immigrant biomedical scientists. Shapiro, who is also an affiliated faculty member of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience, and his fellow prizewinners will be […]

  • Minds Wide Open a Finalist in New York Festivals TV & Film Award

    Minds Wide Open a Finalist in New York Festivals TV & Film Award

    New York Festivals TV & Film Awards recently named our documentary, Minds Wide Open, a finalist in three categories: Science & Technology Documentary, Feature Documentary Film and Branded Documentary Production. With entries from 50 countries, the awards are highly competitive. Winners will be honored at a National Association of Broadcasters event in Las Vegas in April. […]

  • From Fruit Fly To Stink Eye: Searching For Anger’s Animal Root

    From Fruit Fly To Stink Eye: Searching For Anger’s Animal Root

    Hear David Anderson, Director of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech, being interviewed on NPR’s “All Things Considered” about his research into whether animals experience anger like humans do.   Click here to listen on

  • Autism and Theory of Mind

    Autism and Theory of Mind

    Researchers at Caltech have come up with a new way of testing one’s theory of mind which is defined as the ability to understand other people’s beliefs, preferences, and intentions as distinct from one’s own. Theory of mind is complex and involves multiple neural processes. The team, which just published their work in Current Biology, found that […]

  • Caltech: A Bird’s Eye View

    Caltech: A Bird’s Eye View

      Take a bird’s eye look at the latest progress on construction site for the Chen Neuroscience Center at Caltech. The building is on track to be completed in Fall 2020.   Video Credit: Dr. M. Lombardini, Aeromana.

  • TCCI 2018 Annual Report

    TCCI 2018 Annual Report