Author: Nick

  • Researchers find way to speed up nerve regrowth

    A University of Alberta researcher has found a treatment that increases the speed of nerve regeneration by three to five times, which may one day lead to much better outcomes for trauma surgery patients.

  • 研究发现加速神经生长的新方法


  • “Jumping” DNA regulates human neurons

    The human genome contains over 4.5 million sequences of DNA called “transposable elements”, these virus-like entities that “jump” around and help regulate gene expression. They do this by binding transcription factors, which are proteins that regulate the rate of transcription of DNA to RNA, influencing gene expression in a broad range of biological events.

  • A tailor-made molecule that ties nerve connections

    Synthetic compound could serve as prototype for a novel class of drugs to treat neurological damage.Researchers from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), UK and Japan have developed a neurologically acting protein and tested it in laboratory studies. In mice, the experimental compound ameliorated symptoms of certain neurological injuries and diseases, while on the […]

  • Researchers Discover a Specific Brain Circuit Damaged by Social Isolation During Childhood

    Loneliness is recognized as a serious threat to mental health. Even as our world becomes increasingly connected over digital platforms, young people in our society are feeling a growing sense of isolation. The COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many countries to implement social distancing and school closures, magnifies the need for understanding the mental health consequences […]

  • How brain flexibility emerges in infants

    Scientists say they’ve discovered that cognitive flexibility, a critical higher order brain function, starts developing during the first two years of life.Having cognitive flexibility – the mental capacity to switch between different concepts – is associated with better reading ability, academic achievement, resilience and creativity, while less mental suppleness is linked to risk of neurological […]

  • Neurons protect themselves from degeneration by adapting their metabolism

    A recent study in Science Advances by researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Max Planck Institute, shows that neurons can counteract degeneration and promote survival by adapting their metabolism. It challenges the long-standing view that neurons cannot adjust their metabolism and therefore irreversibly degenerate. These findings may contribute to developing therapeutic approaches for patients with mitochondrial […]

  • 大脑的人脸识别机制与机器无异


  • 环境光线和头部运动影响视觉感知


  • 记忆原理新解:神经元的适应性放电
