Author: Nick

  • Skoltech团队研究出EEG信号溯源的简化方案


  • 斯坦福科学家解码精神分裂症的神经机制


  • 健脑类保健品中含有多种未经批准的药物成分

    目前,市面上存在着许多声称能提高注意力和记忆力的健脑类保健品。在对这类 “聪明药”和“认知能力增强剂”的成分进行检测后,研究人员发现,取样的10种健脑类保健品中一共含有5种未经美国药物及食品安全局批准的药物成分,且其成分表和所标注的含量也多与检验结果有所出入。不同于处方药,保健品类药物无需得到有效性和安全性方面的认证就可直接上市,而在上市后FDA才会对其进行监管,这便为消费者带去了大量的风险隐患。这些药品中的成分不但未经检验,往往还存在着计量超标的情况,服用后可能会造成各种危害到身体健康的严重副作用。在同其他处方药一同用药时,其危害性将会更大。

  • 大脑如何平衡情感和理性


  • TCCI®-affiliated Professor Wins NIH Director’s Pioneer Award

    TCCI®-affiliated Professor Wins NIH Director’s Pioneer Award

    Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, Bren Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering is one of four Caltech faculty members to receive grants from the NIH’s High Risk, High Reward Research Program. Zernicka-Goetz, a TCCI®-affiliated faculty member, received a NIH Director’s Pioneer Award which “challenges investigators at all career levels to pursue new research directions and develop groundbreaking, high-impact […]

  • New clues about the link between stress and depression

    Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have identified a protein in the brain that is important both for the function of the mood-regulating substance serotonin and for the release of stress hormones, at least in mice. The findings, which are published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, may have implications for the development of new drugs for depression […]

  • Neuroscientists discover a molecular mechanism that allows memories to form

    When the brain forms a memory of a new experience, neurons called engram cells encode the details of the memory and are later reactivated whenever we recall it. A new MIT study reveals that this process is controlled by large-scale remodeling of cells’ chromatin. This remodeling, which allows specific genes involved in storing memories to […]

  • Millimetre-precision drug delivery to the brain

    Focused ultrasound waves help ETH researchers to deliver drugs to the brain with pinpoint accuracy, in other words only to where their effect is desired. This method is set to enable treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders and tumours with fewer side effects in the future.

  • NIH scientists reveal how the brain may fuel intense neural communication

    Our thoughts, feelings, and movements are controlled by billions of neurons talking to each other at trillions of specialized communication points called synapses. In an in-depth study of neurons grown in laboratory petri dishes, National Institutes of Health researchers discovered how the chattiest of some synapses find the energy to support intense conversations thought to […]

  • Stem cells can help repair spinal cord after injury

    Spinal cord injury often leads to permanent functional impairment. In a new study published in the journal Science researchers at Karolinska Institutet show that it is possible to stimulate stem cells in the mouse spinal cord to form large amounts of new oligodendrocytes, cells that are essential to the ability of neurons to transmit signals, […]