Author: Nick

  • Millimetre-precision drug delivery to the brain

    Focused ultrasound waves help ETH researchers to deliver drugs to the brain with pinpoint accuracy, in other words only to where their effect is desired. This method is set to enable treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders and tumours with fewer side effects in the future.

  • NIH scientists reveal how the brain may fuel intense neural communication

    Our thoughts, feelings, and movements are controlled by billions of neurons talking to each other at trillions of specialized communication points called synapses. In an in-depth study of neurons grown in laboratory petri dishes, National Institutes of Health researchers discovered how the chattiest of some synapses find the energy to support intense conversations thought to […]

  • Stem cells can help repair spinal cord after injury

    Spinal cord injury often leads to permanent functional impairment. In a new study published in the journal Science researchers at Karolinska Institutet show that it is possible to stimulate stem cells in the mouse spinal cord to form large amounts of new oligodendrocytes, cells that are essential to the ability of neurons to transmit signals, […]

  • ‘Social cells’ related to social behavior identified in the brain

    A research team led by Professor TAKUMI Toru of Kobe University’s Graduate School of Medicine (also a Senior Visiting Scientist at RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research) have identified ‘social cells’ in the brain that are related to social behavior. The cells were identified via Ca imaging (*1) conducted using a microendoscope (*2). It is […]

  • Penn Medicine Researchers Discover A Rare Genetic Form of Dementia

    A new, rare genetic form of dementia has been discovered by a team of Penn Medicine researchers. This discovery also sheds light on a new pathway that leads to protein build up in the brain — which causes this newly discovered disease, as well as related neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease — that could be […]

  • How Aggression Leads to More Aggression

    How Aggression Leads to More Aggression

    Like a champion fighter gaining confidence after each win, a male mouse that prevails in several successive aggressive encounters against other male mice will become even more aggressive in future encounters. This phenomenon is interesting to scientists who study behavioral neuroscience because aggression is an innate behavior in the brain.  Now a team of Caltech […]

  • 研究确立了睡眠呼吸暂停综合征与阿兹海默症的关联


  • 由基因和进化过程塑造的两条大脑轴线


  • 神经细胞有时会允许“偷听”行为


  • 最新研究推翻了对自闭症的已有认知
