USC-Chen Institute Frontiers Forum: “Sensation and Motivation”

We are happy to announce our second annual USC-Chen Institute Frontiers Forum which is focused on “Sensation and Motivation.”

This year’s meeting is being organized with Dr. Li Zhang, Center for Neural Circuits & Sensory Processing Disorders, and Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute, Keck School of Medicine, USC and will take place April 24-25, 2024.

Invited speakers include:

Ann Kennedy

Northwestern University

Alexander Heimel

Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience

Byungkook Lim

University of California San Diego

Brian Lee

University of Southern California

Annegret L. Falkner

Princeton University

Weizhe Hong

University of California Los Angeles

Michael Jacobs Goard

University of California Santa Barbara

Robert Froemke

New York University

Stephanie Correa

University of California Los Angeles

Huizhong Whit Tao

University of Southern California

Badr Albanna

AI Research Engineer II at Duolingo & adjunct visiting professor the University of Pittsburgh

Read more on the USC website
Read the meeting report