TCCI® Symposium at Caltech

The inaugural Chen Institute Symposium began with a keynote address on Friday, January 25, from celebrated neuroscientist, Nancy Kanwisher, a founding member of the renowned McGovern Institute for Brain Research and Walter A. Rosenblith Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain and Cognitive Sciences at M.I.T.

Saturday, January 26, was a full day, featuring ten 30-minute talks from leading neuroscientists: Edward Chang, Peter Dayan, Kafui Dzirasa, Robert Froemke,Nancy Kanwisher, Christof Koch, Eve Marder, Richard Mooney, Vanessa Ruta, Carla Shatz, and Larry Zipursky. The agenda for the day can be found here.

The event webpage can be found on the Caltech website here.